Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cannot search on multiple categories

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there

    We are seeing an issue on Pro using Elementor.

    We are filtering on 3 post categories but if I select options from 2 or more only the last category selected is “sticking” in the drop down and being searched on.

    So for example this is possible –


    But multiple query strings are not being generated by the form.

    What am I missing? Presumably the filtering can filter on multiple categories at once and I am sure this was originally working.

    Am I missing a config setting?



    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

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    What type of control is it? Radio, Checkbox, Dropdown …


    Sorry they are all drop-downs.

    We are using Author and then 3 post categories.


    That’s correct with Keywords first and Submit + Reset at the end.


    I suspect that I understand the problem. You appear to be using Category more than once.

    If you are, please read this post, which is relevant to your situation:

    Then, to get the fields to change the options, please see this post:


    OK thanks I will take a look and come back to you.

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