Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cannot filter on custom wp post

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  • Trevor

    It is best to try it without any custom query. This test is to try and see if the search works correctly. The format and style will not be good. The question is whether it gives the correct results.


    I tried archive loop in my wordpress, and unfortunately it didn’t work.

    So I tried completely new WordPress with standard archive loop and it worked. I noticed the url changed after submiting form – ?sfid=7&_sf_s=jane – this is what I never saw in my original page.
    Does it help?


    If I add the queries ?sfid=1513&_sf_s=jane to the url in my original WP, it works…


    That makes me suspect our javascript is not being loaded on the page. It is called:


    so look for it in the page HTML source.


    yep, that was it. Missing wp_head(); in the header.php :/

    Thank you for your support and help, Trevor!

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