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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cannot Change field input width

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  • Marlena Cavanaugh

    #search-filter-form-450621 > ul > li.sf-field-search > input[type=”text”]

    I’ve tried every possible way to change the width of the input field with css (right now my default input is “Enter location or Keyword” and even the text is not showing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    I need the input field width to be at least 600px

    Trevor Moderator

    A search of these forums showed that I have done it like this before:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="450621"] ul li .sf-input-text {
      width: 125px;
      min-width: 125px !important;

    I notice that your license has expired (many months ago), so I will not be able to offer additional support until it is renewed.

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