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Forums Forums General Cannot Activate License


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Lars Faye

    Hey there,

    I can’t seem to activate a site on my license no matter what I do. It’s placed, but everytime I save/activate, it just reloads with this page:

    I even added it to the list of activated sites within My Account.

    Any idea? I can obviously just manually copy the files over, but hoping to resolve this for the long run.

    Trevor Moderator

    What version of our plugin are you using?

    Activations can take 15-30 minutes to update on our server, so do check again now.

    Lars Faye

    Version 2.3.4. Still getting the same thing this morning. 🙁

    Trevor Moderator

    That would be the reason why. The current version is 2.4.6 and we use a different domain/server now. Please see this post:

    Lars Faye

    Gotcha. I’ll update manually for this round. Thanks!

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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