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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can I style search box like this site

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  • Abdulaziz Alzaabi

    Hi ,

    Is is possible to customize the search box like this site :

    if so then how can I do it. I am also using Elementor Pro


    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, but it would require custom CSS, depending on what you need. If you are using select dropdown fields, I would suggest using comboboxes.

    You may need to make some changes.

    Go to wp-admin -> Search & Filter -> Settings -> Combobox Script

    Change this from Chosen to Select2 – we’re dropping support for Chosen in v3, because it has too many issues on mobile.

    Next, in the form field settings, select the combobox option for each.

    There is an alternate way of doing this, but this is the easiest. Now you can style the resulting select as it is not a select!

    You may you may need to hire a third party coder to help you. This search will give some code snippets to help that coder:

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