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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can I just filter on the category page instead of creating a new page?

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  • Svetlana Lyons

    Dear Developer,
    I just want to filter on my category page by Category, Author, Date, Votes/popularity/ without going to a separate page for the search like it is right now. I have a widget where I specify author, date etc.. and it goes to the page.

    Thank you,


    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Generally, to stay on a taxonomy page, you would need to be using the Post Type Archives display results method.

    Svetlana Lyons

    Hi Trevor.
    This is a page.

    Is there any documentation how to use Post Type Archives display results method with your plugin?

    Thank you,


    Trevor Moderator
    Svetlana Lyons

    Thank you but it is still taking me to a new page.
    I endabled Post Type Archives in General

    Display Post type as an Archieve as Display Results method


    Trevor Moderator

    The form must be set to the Post Type Archive method and these options need to be set:

    On the General settings tab:

    Choose which kinds of pages S&F will try to do this on -> Tag, Category & Taxonomy Archives

    On the Display results settings tab:

    Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives

    And that Category is also as a field in the form (you can hide it with custom CSS if needed).

    Svetlana Lyons

    Thank you Trevor.
    I did the following:
    I set The form must be set to the Post Type Archive met
    I checked all of them: Post Type Archives
    Tag, Category & Taxonomy Archives
    Author Archives

    On the Display results settings tab I Enabled filtering on Taxonomy Archives

    Now it doesn’t go to another page but it doesn’t do anything either.

    I can give you an access to my back end if would like it.

    Thank you,

    Svetlana Lyons

    I see it is going to the right URL when I click submit but I need to refresh the page to show results. Submit button shows the right URl but without manual refreshing it doesn’t get updated. The way I refresh I highlight the URL which is displayed after I click submit and then I press Enter. So I almost there 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    If Ajax is OFF, does it then work (but the page will reload)? I suspect that the Ajax Container (currently set by default to be #main) needs to be changed. Switching Ajax OFF will test if I am right.

    I also note that you are using Elementor, is that Elementor Pro? If our current process does not work, we may need to switch to this method (have a look anyway, it might be what you need – note the addon download at the top of the page):

    Svetlana Lyons

    Hi Trevor.
    Disabling Ajax worked!! Thank you!!

    One last question. Now on Catetegory page I only see the posts from the parent category Resources. I don’t see any posts from child categories as it was before. Is any setting I need to enable for that or it is unrelated to the Ajax and plugin?

    Thank you,


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