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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Calendar Font Color

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  • Lars Ole Bolneset

    Hi, I would like to change the font color of the calendar. I can bearly see it, is it any way i can do this? Tried changing the css file in the S&F directory, might have edited the wrong one though.


    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to show me a live url and give me the color you want to use in hex format (e.g. #dfe123)?

    Trevor Moderator

    And also which part? In the field boxes, the 1-30 current month, the before and after dates, or the MTOTFLS days?

    Lars Ole Bolneset

    This is one of the pages

    I want to use #222222

    I want the field boxes and the drop down for month and year to be #222222

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you try this in Custom CSS?

    .searchandfilter-date-picker .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month, .searchandfilter-date-picker .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-year {
      color: #222;

    If you have no place in your theme for custom css, you could use the Simple Custom CSS plugin.

    Do not edit the distribution CSS files, as these will be overwritten by any updates.

    Lars Ole Bolneset

    That worked, thank you som much! 🙂

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