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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Caching and indexing


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  • Nick Sotiriadis

    Hello! Hope you guys are well!

    Today I noticed that even though I am using the option to include specific categories through the ‘Tags, Categories & Taxonomies’ option, as soon as I create a new search form, it triggers a re-index of all other categories as well.

    To give you some context, I am building a vehicles and parts website, so, when creating a new category, it has to be accompanied by its search form. So, when I build the form, it causes re-indexing of all other categories which could be avoided.

    I don’t know the roadmap for v3 but it would be a good idea if you could manually trigger a re-index of specific categories.

    Also… any news on v3 release date now that it’s getting closer and closer by the day? 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    I cannot give you anything specific on V3, sorry.

    I think caching is done differently in V3, but, in V2, you are correct, there is one cache and it builds for all forms.

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