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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cache not updated automatically

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hi Sanna

    The answer is yes to both, we just use a filter on save_post (standard WP) to detect when a post is updated, and also update our cache for that post in the background.

    The fact that on both versions, S&F was not behaving, then after my work S&F was working on dev site.. tells me that something has not been copied over correctly from dev to live.

    Did you do a full site copy/move?

    I would just double check by doing the following:

    1) Via FTP, copy your theme & child theme from dev -> live

    2) Via FTP, copy the active version of S&F from dev -> live

    3) Turn off use transients in S&F settings (I think I disabled this on your dev site)

    If its still not working let me know and I’ll take a quick look at the live site

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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sanna

    Ok I have some good and bad news for you.

    I’ve tracked down the issue, but I don’t know whats causing it (and its not S&F).

    I’ll try to explain a little:

    To detect when a new post is created we use the WP action save_post

    add_action( 'save_post', 'post_saved', 10000 );

    I’ve added this to the bottom of your functions.php.

    Then inside this function, we can use get_post_meta to retrieve the value of your date (S&F needs to do this to be able to store this info).

    The problem is, using get_post_meta($post_id, 'datum', true); is failing (returning nothing, like it doesn’t yet exist), but ONLY when you create / update a post from the frontend, and only when you have a load of posts in your database.

    When you add a new report via admin, the save_post is triggered, but the date variable is there.

    When you do it on a site with a low number of posts, its also there.

    Its just in this circumstance using save_post and get_post_meta does not work.

    Where to go from here?

    I think its a good idea to get in touch with your host, because of the number of posts looking like its an issue, then it could be server related.

    If that doesn’t work, I would get in touch with ACF, and ask why get_post_meta doesn’t return anything in the save_post action.

    Once you can get this working in your setup, then S&F can also detect this data, and use it properly.

    A quick way to test this yourself:

    1) I’ve added code to the bottom of your functions.php which logs every save_post on your site, with the date and post ID.
    2) All save info is being logged to wp-content/debug.log
    3) To test this, open wp-content/debug.log, empty the file and save it (and upload the blank file back to the server) – this is just to clear the log and make it more readable.
    4) Now goto your frontend form, and create a new report.
    5) Download a new copy of debug.log and check it, you will find a line like:
    [02-Mar-2017 20:32:02 UTC] Post saved, ID: 3761, meta date:
    Notice, there is no meta date.
    6) Goto admin, and create a new report, check debug.log again (make sure to grab a fresh copy), you will see a line like:
    [02-Mar-2017 20:36:06 UTC] Post saved, ID: 3764, meta date: 20170312
    Notice how this time the post has the date with it.

    For some reason when you had only a few posts, beheviour was the same a step (6), but now with many posts its doing step (5).

    I hope that helps!

    Ross Moderator
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