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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Bulk import select option

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  • MG Group Italia

    Can I import a list of label associated with a specific value in bulk?
    Can be useful also a query to do that in database

    Trevor Moderator

    I am not sure I understand. Could you provide me with more detail? What is it you are trying to import and are you trying to import it into Search & Filter, or do you want to bulk import/update some posts and want our cache to update at the same time?

    MG Group Italia

    I have to populate a select manualy you can see in the screenshot

    Can I upload this choice in bulk with csv or something like this

    MG Group Italia

    Moreover after about 400 value inserted the search field disappear

    Trevor Moderator

    Bulk uploading is not possible, but you could build the control as the page loads using our filter to add them.

    The reason why you cannot more than a certain number is likely the PHP max_input_vars variable setting on your server. You will need to increase that by a factor of many. E.g., if it is set to the PHP default of 1000, try 5000 or 10000. You need many (a lot) of these variables per setting when saving.

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