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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Bug with S&F PRO + Elementor Product Archive


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  • Dominique Goldsztejn


    We created a custom “Archive Product” page with Elementor and added a S&F filter.
    Ajax sorting works, but if by activating multiple filters no product matches, the “Nothing Found Message” is not displayed… And we want to display it.

    We use Elementor + the OceanWP + S & F Pro theme. All plugins are up to date.

    Link to test page :

    Thanks !

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi. Elementor is handling the display of the results, not our plugin, and it does not have any logic to handle ‘No Results’, or at least it does not handle it the way you want.

    However, you can make it harder for the user to end up with no results. In the General settings tab:

    Set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty to ON

    This will hide any options that have zero results.

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