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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro BuddyPress Integration Issues

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  • Ryan Nielson

    I don’t think it is an issue of updating the homepage, but BuddyPress uses the same query as search. So, as you pointed out, it might be because the homepage uses a query. I have no idea how to work around it though, aside from just using a different homepage, which has worked for me (no changes to search and filter, just changing my homepage). From the BuddyPress developers:

    “If you have a Buddypress page set as the home page then blog search is killed because search sends you to /?s=xxx and then is searches the component instead of listing blog posts.”

    Also, I think that the template that I was trying to use had a query because I placed the search and filter shortcode in the category and single page templates as well so that it could be activated from any page.

    Ryan Nielson

    The search.php file uses the following:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php require(‘post-loop.php’); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Ross Moderator

    Ah ok, I think then the workaround is to use the second method of displaying results for Search & Filter – with a shortcode for results.

    The way to set this up would be:

    1) under display results tab choose “with shortcode” not “as archive”.
    2) create a regular wordpress page
    3) paste in the body of that page, the *two* shortocdes (when choosing the as shortcode option, you will see two shortcodes underneath the publish button)
    4) copy the full URL of the page you have created (with the two shortcodes on it) in to the “results URL” section underneath the “display results” tab.

    Save and test – I think this will work – however your results will not appear in the same way as your theme previously had done – so you will need to customise the template for results as shown:

    I think, to achieve what you want with the buddypress homepage this is the only solution for now.


    Ryan Nielson

    Okay, I’ll give that a shot. It seems like it may work out well, I just have to make sure the template, style, and flow all work.

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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