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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Broken "next page" links (sometimes)

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  • Gregory Ho

    Hey Ross,

    Just wanted to let you know that I rolled back to the non-ajax version for now.

    I did a bit more investigating and it seems like the ajax request works, but is simply opening in a new page instead of updating the current page.

    If you can think of any other tests I can do to troubleshoot, let me know and I’ll try them.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Greg, I’ll come back on to this soon and see if I can see whats going wrong.


    Gregory Ho

    Thanks, Ross, I really appreciate it.

    I disabled ajax on the main site, but I set up the dev site so that you can see the problem. The way to see the problem is to go here:

    Select “sermons” under content type in the filter, select “Joseph Babij” under speakers in the filter, then try to go to “next”.

    The resulting page returns the right AJAX result but it returns it in its own new page, not embedded in the parent page.


    Kevin Frey

    For what it’s worth, I’m encountering this exact same problem, and I’d love to see it working properly.

    The page is

    If you check “brick,” then use the “next” link to go to page 2, you will go to a page that loads only the results — no template, header, styles or anything else.

    If you check “brick” then check “building stone” then uncheck “building stone,” the pagination seems to work fine.

    I’m not sure what to do to fix it.

    Kevin Frey

    Ah! For what it’s worth, I found the answer. Hopefully this, as well as the thread on which I found my solution, will help.

    On the display results tab, my pagination selector was incorrect! Instead of having “.pagination a” for some reason I had changed it to “.pagination > a” which doesn’t work because the “a” tag is not a direct child of the “.pagination” class.

    I got the idea to check that from this thread:

    Ross Moderator

    Thanks for the update Kevin 🙂

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