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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Breaking the form into multiple fieldsets

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  • Gordon McAlpin

    I’m a little disappointed at how limited my layout options are with Search and Filter Pro.

    I need to be able to take the form that Search and Filter Pro exports and break it apart into a couple of separate fieldsets on the same page, but when I do that, it breaks the form.

    I need a main search form in one div and then an “advanced options” form in a second div that can be hidden or shown. (I can’t just absolutely position one group of search items over the main search div, because I need to be able to animate the advanced options div.)

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gordon

    Yeah the Search Form is all self contained within one unordered list – I’m looking at ways breaking apart the search form and using elements in different places (possibly using shortcodes) but haven’t finalised how I’m going to tackle that problem yet.


    Gordon McAlpin

    Shortcodes sounds like a good solution for the form wrappers.

    Being able to declare an existing form ID when making a “new” form (in a dropdown?) could make those forms export as fieldsets (perhaps “form ID_a”, “form ID_b”) instead of as a compete form.

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