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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro border radius CSS

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Robert Ferry

    I’ve used CSS to style border radius on the search bar see but can’t get same styling for category on tag bars? Any ideas?

    Trevor Moderator

    You have this:

    .sf-field-search input, .sf-field-search label {
        display: block !important;
        width: 100% !important;
        border-radius: 30px;

    You should use this:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="15236"] .sf-field-search input, .sf-field-search label {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;
        border-radius: 30px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="15236"] li[data-sf-field-input-type="select"] select,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="15236"] .sf-field-submit input {
        border-radius: 30px;

    Please note that we are now closed for the day as it is gone 5PM here in the UK. For any further replies, I will be back on again tomorrow.

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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