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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Bookmarkable search string being lost

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  • Nisan Perera

    Hi Ross,

    Having an odd issue with the bookmarkable search. On this site:

    If you click a option it will update the result with the bookmarkable query string for a moment and then strip it out again as soon as the page scrolls. Then if you click into one of the result it will retail the query in the link, but clicking back loses it again.

    I know you’re in the middle of dev on 2.0 but let me know if you get a chance to take a quick look and have any ideas.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    I had a look and certainly seems odd – like you mentioned, S&F seems to be updating the URL fine, but then it changes back to nothing.

    Upon further inspection – make a few selections, without scrolling, and after a while you will see the URL remains – BUT, once you scroll the page the URL is updated again…

    So I would say you have some script that changes the URL on JavaScript events like window scroll, and possibly window resize.

    My guess this is built in to your theme or another plugin.


    Nisan Perera

    Thanks for taking a look! Good thoughts, and for future reference for anyone that may run into this, it was the Jetpack Infinite Scroll script that takes out that query string on scroll. The workaround I found was to add a function call of:


    on those search pages since the infinite scroll doesn’t need to be added on them…

    Ross Moderator

    Thanks for the update!

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