Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Best way to go back to search results


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  • Anonymous

    Hello, i didn’t find any option in the plugin to achieve this goal.
    After searching and filtering my custom post type, i would like to go back to the search results, from the single custom post type, using a kind of back button / go back to your search button.
    Is it possible? Or any suggestion on how to do this?


    Right now there is no included functionality (its quite tricky to implement), it is something you would have to figure out yourself.

    My way of approaching this would be:

    1) When someone performs a search, store the last search filter settings in a WP transient.

    2) You’d have to write a custom function to create a back link with these set.

    That’s the general idea, but its a lot harder than it sounds to implement.

    We will most likely introduce transients in V3 (due out in a few weeks from now), but I am not sure what you will be able to do with them in the Form UI options, and what might need to be coded.

    Remember that GDPR rules mean you have to gain a user’s explicit consent to use transients (when we introduce them).


    Yes, i supposed it were not so easy.
    Thank you for your reply and your hints.
    I will dig more on this thing.

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