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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro BeaverBuilder still scrolling to end of page when viewing results


Viewing 9 posts - 11 through 19 (of 19 total)
  • Daniel Smith

    I’m using Beaver Themer as well. I’ve set up /articles as the posts page and there’s no scrolling there.


    Trevor Moderator

    The theme on this site is “Raven, built on Tidytheme’s Blankslate template”, not Beaver Themer?

    Daniel Smith

    Themer isn’t a theme – it’s an extension for Builder that adds the ability to use the modular builder for theme elements such as archives, headers, footers etc. You add the hooks to your own template.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Daniel Smith
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Daniel Smith

    I’ve temporarily ‘fixed’ this by adding the following to the custom template used to display the archive ;

    if (get_query_var( ‘paged’, 1 ) == 0) { set_query_var( ‘paged’, 10000 ); }

    If I unset the paged variable or set it to 1 the problem persists but with an arbitrary number it appears to function correctly, which is enough for me as a short term fix!

    Ross Moderator
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    Daniel Smith
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