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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Beaver Themer integration on taxonomy archive


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  • Ash

    S&F with Ajax works with Post Type Archive display method.
    But filters are not working on taxonomy archive at all.

    It looks its trying to load page because I see gray layer.
    But content and query doesn’t change.
    I don’t see error on Chrome console either…

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    Trevor Moderator

    Try setting the Ajax Container, maybe to .fl-module-blog-posts

    Elchonon Gross

    in my case it would be .fl-module-post-grid

    still confused… the search drop down keeps redirecting me to my taxonomy page, instead of updating the Ajax display.

    Trevor Moderator

    If the search is a Post Type Archive search, try switching off the setting on the Display Result settings tab that tries to keep you in a taxonomy page.


    Thank you.
    .fl-module-blog-posts worked.

    Then, I have a question.
    Should I specify only post list/gid without filters and pagination to Ajax Container?
    I thought it should contain filters and pagination.

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    Uncheck “Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives”

    I made two same search form for post type and taxonomy.
    One with Filtering on Taxonomy Archives, one without Filtering on Taxonomy Archives.
    So you will stay on either of post type and taxonomy archive page.

    Elchonon Gross

    Ash I will try solutions you offered here on Sunday. Thank you for you input.

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