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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro basic search displaying all results

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  • dann hanks

    Hi, I have setup a basic form for a search, it includes a text search and category filter. When I search all categories, no matter what I add to the text search, all results come back. example, if I add ‘xyz’ to my search, even though none of the results contain the text ‘xyz’, it displays all my posts. On top of this, if I search for a word that is contained in one of my results, it still returns them all but the post that does contain the word is right down the bottom of my search results. I am testing this in a local environment at the moment so cant share links but I am assuming at this early stage that something is not working here.

    any advice would be super.


    Trevor Moderator

    Without being able to see the form setup, I cannot say for sure. Maybe we could Skype and do a share screen?

    dann hanks

    Hi, thanks for your response, I set up a new form and it worked as I expected, it must have been something in the other search I setup, not sure what but a new one sorted the issue.

    : )


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