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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Avada Portfolio

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  • Stijn Vanouplines


    I’m trying to add S&F to the portfolio of the Avada theme. But I can’t get this to work.

    I’m building a real estate website and want to use the Avada portfolio to display all the properties. I’m using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for the property details and I want to us S&F to filter through them and show the results in a Avada portfolio classic 4 column grid.


    Trevor Moderator

    With Avada, the only way I know to get it to reliably work is to use our Shortcode Display Results method. This gives you a basic layout, but you are free to customise this. The guide to customising is here.

    At that point you can then edit this to change the HTML structure, add parts, remove parts, use CSS classes from your theme to style, and so on.

    Stijn Vanouplines

    I think I’m going to make a custom template (from the portfolio template located in the Fusion Core plugin) and add it in a child theme. I did some quick tests and its working. I made a page where I add the shortcode for the filters, after submit it redirects to the custom template. But how can I show the filters on that custom page template aswel? Can I add them with PHP above the loop?

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you want to show the form, or the chosen filters?

    Stijn Vanouplines

    I show the form like this:

    global $searchandfilter;
    if ( null !== $searchandfilter->active_sfid() ) {
        echo do_shortcode( '[searchandfilter id="' . esc_attr( $searchandfilter->active_sfid() ) . '"]' );
    Trevor Moderator

    If you want to show the current filters on the page, this is possible, yes, with custom coding, but if you are also using Ajax to refresh the page, they must be inside the loop or part of the page that gets refreshed.

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