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Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Jorge Diaz

    Good morning,

    I need to configure the sf results output of into the Avada blog element, (yet another Avada config issue, I know the is already a lot in the forums) but after a lot of back and forth, and after reading all the documentation and almost the 36 pages complaining about the same, I can’t find a way do effectively do it.

    In another staging server I managed to do it with shortcode output, but now, in the development staging server isn’t working properly.

    I need your help setting it up.


    Jorge Diaz
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Jorge Diaz
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Jorge Diaz
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    Trevor Moderator

    I see a few issues. You cannot have two forms with the same Results URL. Similarly, those two forms cannot be on the same page. They will conflict with each other.

    Results URL should end with a / and should be lower case (the R in Richemont).

    Second, you can use Category more than once in the form. This video may help (made for a different user):

    That Hipster term seemed to have 12 posts, but in fact had none! Something wrong with my posts (too much of me playing on a development site).

    I apologize for the sound and presentational quality. It was early in my morning, so I was not fully awake!

    Jorge Diaz

    Good afternoon Trevor,

    Thx a lot for your support last Friday, it was really helpful. Since then I’ve been implementing what I previously did in Avada, this time in Elementor –as you suggested– and got good results. Tho it hasn’t good features I had to temporarily dismiss.

    I’ll finish the switch today and will contact you later this week with my final questions, which will surely be css related in order to tweak the default form representation.

    Do you have a video/tutorial, like the one you shared in your previous post, but about form pimping with css?


    Trevor Moderator

    I don’t sorry, it would be too complex. You would need to create custom CSS for that. There are many snippets in the forum:

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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