Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Avada – AJAX ISSUE: Results Hidden Upon Search/filter

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  • Anonymous

    I’m running an older version of Avada (3.9.3) on my site and when the initial search/filter is performed, the archive page loads just fine and you see results. But when you edit the filters/search and the results auto-update, it hides all of the posts (using custom post type – portfolio). I can see that they are there, but they are invisible. Upon hovering over them my cursor changes to pointer and I can click on the result, but it’s hidden.

    I’ve tried playing with the container for the AJAX results, but so far no luck. I have ajax turned off for now, but I’m hoping someone can advise.



    Hi Tyler

    I would need to be able to see what is going on with Ajax ON. If this is a live site where this is an issue for you, do you have a staging site version, or maybe we can screen share using Skype?


    Hi Trevor,

    We could do a screenshare with Skype. What’s your username/availability?

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    Hi Tyler

    Great to speak with you. As we found, you somehow need to find the code to use to re-trigger masonry on the grid. I will wait to hear back from you.

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