Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Automatic Number for each search result

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  • Anonymous


    I am using your plugin to search and display a photo gallery.

    There is 500+ photos in this gallery which makes it very difficult for a customer/client to point out a specific photo. Is there a way for an automatic number to appear under each photo?

    Look forward to hearing from you.



    You are using the Shortcode method with a customised results.php template?

    Does each post have an order code stored in a custom field that you could display somewhere?



    Yes thats correct, shortcode method with a customised results.php template.

    I am unsure about this, I have had a look and can’t see any? The gallery is displaying media files only.


    Does each media file relate to a specific product? It may be necessary to add a custom field to each media file that holds the data. Or maybe the post ID would be enough?


    Each media file is related to more than one specific product so that will make it too confusing.

    Adding a custom field to each media file sounds very time consuming.

    I found the solution by displaying the post ID.

    I added this into my custom results.php

    <?php echo get_the_ID($post->ID); ?>

    Thanks again for your help!! Much appreciated.

    This topic is now resolved.


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