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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Auto sync post meta?


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Christian Nießing

    HI I am using this plugin to filter properties. I also have the value for “town”. This is taken form a post meta. As the client often changes properties and towns where the properties are will change as well. Is there a possiobility to to take the values from each property automatically and sync them? For no the client always has to adapt this values…


    I have same problem, it would definitely be a must have !


    Christian Nießing

    any infos on that?

    Ross Moderator

    Not yet, I will work on this as the next option after the 2.0 release.

    Taxonomies are always synced so it may be better to use those for now.


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