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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Auto suggested results for Keyword Search?

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  • Christian


    I’ve integrated Search and Filter Pro into my WooCommerce Shop, however is there any kind of integration/add-ons for inline keyword suggestions as you type and use the ‘Search’ keyword filter UI?

    Trevor Moderator

    This not supported by the current version of Search & Filter Pro, but I think it is on our ‘to do’ list for V3, which is in development (I do not have a timescale for its release though).


    Ok, presumably until then I could just use something like on the search input?

    Trevor Moderator

    I do not know whether that would conflict with our plugin. You could give it a try and let me know the outcome?


    Yes, will do!

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using their plugin ( and their paid service?

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for sharing, Christian. I will mark this thread as resolved for now.

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