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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Auto Refresh in mobile version

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  • Kai

    i’ve got the problem that my site (standard wordpress twenty fourteen template) is permanently refresh/reload itself when i put the code <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[searchandfilter id=”269″]’); ?> into my sidebar. also it is not visible in mobile version, its just refreshing the site.

    did you know why?

    thanks a lot

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Kai

    That sounds strange.. any chance of a link?

    Can you also try using it in a widget to see if you get the same results?


    Ross Moderator

    How does our demo with 2014 theme look to you?


    on your demo site: same effect. auto reload

    i’m using an iphone 5

    this effect is only on iphone. with ipad mini and ipad it works fine

    Ross Moderator

    What version of iPhone/iOS are you using? Can you send me a link to look at? (you can mark your replies as private)


    i’m using iOS 7.1.1

    the effect is also on your demo site:
    so its not an error in my wordpress template.

    Ross Moderator

    You’re right but I don’t have an iPhone with iOS 7 to test on right now.

    I’ll try get hold of one later on today and do some testing – I’m hoping this is just a JS error so will be a quick fix!

    Will update you later on today.


    thx a lot and good luck

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Kai

    I managed to fix this issue – I’ve just emailed you an updated zip file with the fix.. The fix will be coming to an official release today or tomorrow 🙂



    works great!!! no problems any more 🙂

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