Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Auto-complete or autosuggest for the Search field

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  • Anonymous

    I need the Search field to autopopulate suggested post titles when the user starts to type. Is there a plugin or code I can add to make this work? I have tried using Relevannsi Autocomplete, but it does not seem to work. Please help!

    The other option is to create a multi-select with search based on the post title. If that is the fallback option can you advise on how to do that?


    I am sorry, but, with the current plugin, this is not possible. This may become an option in V3, when we release it, hopefully next Spring. It is a feature that has been requested by other users, so we have it on our list.


    Has this feature been added yet? I have updated to the latest version and do not see the option. Thanks!


    I am sorry, we have been working hard on V3, but it is not quite ready yet.


    Do you have a timeline for this release?


    A few/some months is all I can say. Code development is not a precise science, I am afraid to say.


    Hi, just wanted to check if you are getting any closer to a release of V3? We are also waiting for the above functionality.


    While we are nearly complete with v3, there is a little work still to be done (since I last wrote that last message, we decided, felt they were needed, to throw in some huge new features, which have take some extra time to develop).

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