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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Auto-Complete Multi-Select ComboBox Inconsistent or No Results


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  • A Name Already In Use

    I’m getting inconsistent results in the autocomplete results for my “What Locations” combobox multiselect I’ve configured for my search.

    For example, I leave nothing in the search box to guarantee all results (I’ve tried with something as well). I have a sub-sub-category called Ocala that I know has posts which is nested under ‘Used Boats & Gear/Florida Used Boats & Gear’.

    When I begin typing ‘O’ I get some results but never get Ocala. I get similar poor auto-complete results for all sub, sub-sub and sub-sub-sub categories.

    This appears to the user like there are no matches and people are abandoning the search. I believe there is a bug or problem in the way the auto-complete is search the category and subs.

    Please advise. Sample URL:

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    This is a known issue – its when you are using hierarchical and comboboxes – the issue is that child categories/taxonomies etc have spaces before the word, which is not ignored in the JS, so you must actually press space several times before searching child categories.

    I’m working on a fix for this.


    Ross Moderator

    Just to update, Chosen doesn’t allow for any kind of hierachical lists – so for now I’m investigating how I can change the style/padding using CSS – but its not looking to be very flexible.


    Ross Moderator

    This has been fixed in the next update out Monday at the latest.


    A Name Already In Use
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    Ross Moderator
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