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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Are you planning to update the visual part of SFP in the future?

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  • victorcmn

    Hi, I am delighted with the plugin and it works very well, but I would like to know if it is in your roadmap that in future versions you will review and modernize appearance issues, such as the appearance of the checkboxes and other filters in a more modern way.

    Maybe as it has been raised in this forum taking styles like this one here:


    Trevor Moderator

    It is possible to do as you want already using custom CSS. Whilst we do intend to make the form and its elements more easily styled with V3 of our plugin (due in a few months), it is doubtful we could meet every styling need out of the box.

    Whilst I could not do this until the coming weekend at the earliest, but you would need to show me, with one or more annotated screenshot(s), the design change(s) you want? If you can do that, you would need to upload the screenshot image(s) to a file sharing site (like the WordPress Cloudup site, Google Drive, Weshare, Dropbox etc.) and share the link with me?

    I would also need a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look and work with what is there.

    Most important is to know colors, fonts (name, weight, size, etc), border thickness and radius.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    OK. I will leave this thread open should you need it. If you get to a point where you think I can close it, please let me know?

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