Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Apostrophes in keyword search term

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,

    I cannot find a solution to my problem in the forums so I’m opening a new topic… so apologies if this has been asked many times before.

    I have my search and filter all working correctly with the PRO plugin however when I search for a title (I am searching film titles) that contains an apostrophe I get no results. For example, searching
    one flew over the cuckoo’s nest
    returns no results but I have verified that this is down to film titles with apostrophes and if I search for the partial film title it returns correctly (eg. one flew over).

    I presume this is down to my character encoding (in the database vs my html document?)… but I don’t know where to start investigating this or whether I can add an action/filter to my functions.php to sanitise the search string in some way?

    Any information on where to find a solution for this would be great.

    Thank you,



    Your support and updates license appears to have expired over a year ago? It is possible this issue has been fixed in later versions.


    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for spotting that.. I hadn’t realised how old my version was. I will purchase and download version 2.0 tomorrow and see if that resolves the issue. Hopefully it will.



    We are currently at 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 is due out very soon.


    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for the release info.
    I have now upgraded to 2.2.0 and unfortunately I am still experiencing the same issue.
    I search my site for a film title that contains an apostrophe and it returns no results. Searching any of the titles that contain no apostrophes works fine.

    Any ideas or pointers in the right direction to resolving this would be great.


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    This reply has been marked as private.

    OK I will raise it with Ross, but I will await details of a copy site.


    Hi Ciaran

    I need for you to test something for me. With S&F disabled, does your site still have the standard WordPress search? Or can you restore it so that the WordPress search works? Then try the same searches.

    Ross Moderator
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