Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Anywhere Elementor Pro

  • This topic has 2 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Ross.
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  • Anonymous

    First af all, congrats for the update, it works perfect with Elementor and the integration looks really nice.

    However, now Anywhere elementor post blocks isn’t compatible with the source “Search & filter query”. And the previous method (introducing a textbox with a code) doesn’t work for me at the moment.

    How could it be solved?



    We are aware that some third party post content extensions for Elementor do not work with our extension. It might be possible for us to add this as an option (but we could not do this quickly, it would likely have to wait until after we release V3 of our plugin), but I can make this a feature request for you, if you wish (the thread would be moved to that forum)?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Tony

    I know this is much later than your original ticket…

    We’ve just added official support for Anywhere Elementor in the beta of our Elementor Extension, you can try it here:

    You set it up just the same as the other Elementor widgets, by following the instructions here:
    So in “Post Type” dropdown, you will see “Search & Filter Query”, you must also set S&F display method to “Elementor Post / Product / Portfolio Widget” as per the docs.

    Please let me know if that works out ok for you.


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