Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Anyway to change the results per page via url parameter?

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  • Anonymous

    I have a plugin which hides posts from showing in archive list – it still counts them but they don’t display as they are hidden… I have pagination set up and so if pagination is set to 30 post per page and say the first 30 posts are hidden then it shows page 1 with no results…

    I wanted to change say my post per page in the url?

    I’m trying to find a way to filter the posts via the S&F plugin but as of right now i have had no such luck and thus i’m temporarily resolving by hiding posts…



    Try adding the Posts Per Page field to the form UI, and then see what type of URL that generates, which you can then emulate. The field might need to be in the form for this to work (but if it is, you can hide it with CSS).

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