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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro All product categories radio button


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • John Hay


    Is there a way to remove the All product categories radio button and only show the catagories that I have included. I dont want the All option to be there.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey John

    Unfortunately not – by categories included, do you mean when using “include” in the settings & default box? If you are using this settings, I would recommend clicking “advanced” in the categories field and choosing “sync with settings” – this way when a user chooses “all”, then will only see all categories in the include list.


    John Hay

    What I mean is the options look like this –

    All Product Categories
    Lettings (35)
    Sales (87)

    With 3 radio buttons next to these on the left.

    I just want it to give me Lettings and Sales

    Is this possible? I don’t want the all product catagories option to be there at all.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey John

    Unfortunately this is not possible yet – you could try hiding this option with CSS? If you send me a link I can suggest the CSS code to use.

    I will add support for this in the future.


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