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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro All posts being displayed when using shortcode option

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  • Jayson Winters

    I create a completely clean install of WordPresss and just installed SFP. No other plugins or themes.

    I have setup a page to use a search I created using the shortcode and shortcode results on the same page. This one:

    I’ve created one category “animals” and have tried doing a filter by selecting that category. Unfortunateley the uncategorized post Hello World! appears in the results.

    I’ve tried a text search of the word “pigs” which appears within the post called Mammals but the Hello World! post still appears.

    Both required sortcodes:

    [searchandfilter id=”5″]

    [searchandfilter id=”5″ show=”results”]

    are appearing in the testpage that is being used to perform the search and host the results and that url appears correctly in the Display Results page.

    Ajax is enabled.

    The system status pages are reporting no problems

    Can you help please?

    Logins to follow in next private post.

    Jayson Winters
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I have logged in and made a few changes, but the form is not submitting 🙁

    I will ask the developer to take a look. I set up a near identical form on my server and it works OK.

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