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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Algolia vs Elastic Search vs Search & Filter Pro

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  • mike distras

    Im pushing a client to go with Search and Filter Pro for a WordPress build, but they have experience and preference for Algolia or Elastic Search.

    Is there much different between them and Search and Filter Pro? Or is there a preferred use case for one over the other?

    Trevor Moderator

    ElasticSearch is a different way of indexing on the database and doesn’t replace the WordPress search itself.

    You would need to have Elastic Search set up on the server for the domain in question, and to have built and index.

    WordPress would, I think, need the ElasticPress plugin installed (I am not sure about that).

    Then, using this filter:

    add to our query this argument:

    'ep_integrate' => true;

    I am pretty sure another user has done this recently.

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