Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax Search Issues

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  • Anonymous
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    I do not think so. Is the search form ONLY on the home page? What happens if you make it a Post Type archives search? I have set it to that for you, and changed the results Container to match. Your site is slow to load the results, but otherwise it seems to work.

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    That is something we cannot diagnose. Only you or your host can do that, but my guess is that the server is slow (is it cheap hosting?).

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    When you do a search, the server has to specifically fetch the required data and it has to find the post id’s inside the cache tables. When you load a normal page, as the content will be much the same as the last time it was asked for, it is often in local memory, meaning it arrives fast. You would be able to get a better idea of what is going on than me, as you have the possibility to see CPU load, Disk read/writes and memory usage.

    For example, I do not know how much memory you have available to PHP and how much of that you have assigned to WordPress (the default is 40M, IF PHP memory_limit is that high – some hosts set it to default at just 32M).

    The comparison you make is invalid. You simply need to find out what is going on in the server when the Ajax request is made and then start to address that.

    Your site appears to be hosted by Hostgator. They were a great host until they got swallowed up by EIG.

    I just made a search for what host does eig own on Google and got these two links as the top 2 results:

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    I will need to refer this to Ross, the developer. It is a fact that as the number of posts gets larger, it will take longer to retrieve the data. I will raise the matter as urgent, but I do not dictate his work schedule.


    Before I do this, by private reply, can you confirm the hosting plan that you are on with Hostgator and how much you pay for this (per month or per year)? Can you also confirm if the server is using either:

    Apache alone
    Apache with nginx as reverse proxy
    nginx alone

    And which versions?

    What version of PHP

    What version of MySQL or MariaDB

    Does the server have any cache software (OpCache, Varnish etc)

    If you have a VPS or dedicated server, what resources does your plan include?

    # of CPU cores
    Disc Space (standard disc/RAID Array or SSD)
    Control Panel Software (e.g. cPanel) and version
    Server OS and version (e.g. Centos 7)

    In WordPress, are you using any cache software, like CometCache?

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