Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax Pagination doesn’t work

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  • Trevor
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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Erez

    I’ve had a look at this and Trevor is correct.

    Essentially, your pagination is hand crafted, which means its not modifiable by a plugin (like ours).

    You have 2 approaches,

    1) Use WP functions for pagination (such as paginate_links etc) – you can can pretty much recreate what you already have using WP functons instead – then our plugin can hook into this and modify accordingly.

    2) If you prefer to build your own pagination, know that our pagination is not done like, it is done using query params, so you the URL would look like: (sf_paged is our variable for tracking paged)

    Option 1 is the preferred option, because if we decide to change how pagination works, you will be protected (we do actully plan to do this in our next major version).

    Let me know your thoughts and how you get on.


    Thank you very much, that’s just what I needed!
    I appreciate you taking the time to look into it and offer a solution.
    I’ll go ahead and make the necessary changes to use the existing WP functions.

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