Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax on Pagination only?


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  • Anonymous

    Hey Trevor,

    I was wondering ithere’s a way to enable ajax on the pagination links, but not on the filters themselves. I’m using a single filter for category, and on this project, we want the filter to actually redirect to the category page (unique content aside from product grid). Works fine of course with ajax disabled, but I’d prefer the cleaner UX of ajax on the pagination links.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Michael

    I’m afraid we don’t have an option for that, or a hook to modify that behaviour… For both the search form and pagination, they read the same variable, so it’s an all or nothing afair..

    I’ll have a think and see if we can add a filter for this functionality in v3.



    Hey Ross,

    Appreciate the input. I can live with the non ajax and sf_paged query variable now now I suppose 🙂


    Ross Moderator

    Thanks for the update, lets see what v3 brings 🙂

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