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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax not working with Post Grid

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  • Brandon St. Amand

    Hey, having some issues getting Ajax to work with Post Grid using your plugin and the instructions you provided at

    I’m pretty sure we followed all instructions and even tried creating everything all over again. Nothing is working. Ajax works fine without Post Grid, but as soon as we try to use it, the filter just reloads the page.

    We have tried disabling the theme, as well as a lot of the plugins, but nothing seemed to work. I’m hoping that there is just a simple thing that I missed.

    Any help would be appreciated. Here is the page that the issue is happening on:

    Trevor Moderator
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    Brandon St. Amand
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    Trevor Moderator

    It might be because you are using the Divi theme. Did you try our integration solution for the Divi Post grid element?

    Brandon St. Amand

    Hey Trevor, I’ve tried completely disabling Divi altogether, and just using the stock Twenty Seventeen theme, and we still had the same issues. The problem with using the Divi Post grid is that we are using a custom post type for this purpose.

    Brandon St. Amand

    I’ve also tried a page with the Divi editor not used, and still nothing.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Brandon St. Amand
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Brandon St. Amand

    Any update on this?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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