Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax not working

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  • Trevor

    You may need to change the Ajax Container to:

    .elementor-widget-container > .woocommerce

    Once we have fixed this, we need to look at the arrows problem.


    Awesome. That corrected the pagination issue. Now all that’s left is the weird arrow deal. If you login with the credentials I gave your earlier in the thread at you can then navigate to and see what I’m talking about. Every time I select a category in the filter an arrow is added to my navigation bar. Very strange.


    I can see what is happening. The javascript that is styling the menu is also being re-triggered when Elementor runs the Ajax.

    Is the menu made by Elementor?


    Ah, well that would explain it. It is a widget made by Elementor. Is it something I need to reach out to them about?


    In theory, yes. But that menu is really simple. Why not add the free Max Mega Menu plugin, apply that to the menu (it will need styling in their options), and then use the MMM widget, or a shortcode for the menu in a HTML widget?

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