Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax issue with Avada theme?

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  • Anonymous

    I believe there is an issue with Ajax. When using the Avada theme and customizing the template, the featured images do not appear when I have Ajax turned on. When I turn off Ajax, the images appear as expected in the search results.

    Ross Moderator

    Can you provide a link?


    I’ve enabled ajax so it shouldn’t work correctly:

    The images load as expected. If you hit the “reset” button, you’ll see the same topics appear, but the images are not loaded.

    The password for the site is electric


    Can you provide an update? Is this a problem on my end or your end?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Ian

    Check the first question here:

    Basically, the theme loads some scripts when the page loads (to format those boxes correctly), but when you use ajax, the content is replaced, but those scripts are not run again – so you’re left with a broken layout.

    Here is a link to a search result which illustrates this:

    You’ll have to find out what scripts they use and if there is a way to run them again – I’m hoping as its Avada, someone would have asked this question before (loading in content via ajax, and reinitialising the scripts for layout).


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