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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Ajax for Form doesnt seem to work


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  • Alan Mclaverty


    firstly, great plugin looks very nice.

    My problem:

    if you look at this link (development site) – – you will see that the form displays, and the initial results display.

    However when you start to click on some options it does not auto load with Ajax, infact nothing happens. I have pasted the Ajax options for you below

    Load results using Ajax? 	Ticked
    Use a Shortcode to display results?       Ticked<
    This option will be deprecated and enabled by default in future versions. 
    Make searches bookmarkable?    Ticked
    Changes the URL in the address bar as the user searches. 

    And I am choosing to show it on my page as such…

    [two_fifth][searchandfilter id="194"][/two_fifth]
    [three_fifth_last][searchandfilter id="194" show="results"][/three_fifth_last]

    Please provide assistance and let me know of any extra info required

    EDIT: I am wanting to do it via Ajax without a submit button as when hitting submit it doesnt work, shows a blog listing type page and is generally a pain. its going to be alot better having everything done on the same page.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alan

    It looks like a JS error – I’ve just emailed you an update, which hopefully has a fix in it – can you let me know if this works for you?


    Alan Mclaverty

    Hi thanks seems to work perfectly now.

    There is another question though, if you look again at the form youll notice we have added “service tags” the problem is that there is lots of them. I was wondering if you can add an option to show say 5 options by default, and then have a show more option to display the rest so that we can save space as there is more categories to add in.

    This would be a very good feature to add.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alan

    Thanks for the suggestion – it is a good idea but may take some time to add as it is already possible to do this, however you need to be skilled with CSS & jQuery..

    Out of curiosity – why don’t you try setting the field as a multiselect and enabling the checkbox for combobox – this provides a searchable & scrollable list – still – this may not be ideal for your scenario :/


    Alan Mclaverty

    Hi Ross,

    I understand that unfortunately I’m not quite good enough to do it myself.
    We did look at that but as you said its not exactly ideal.

    hopefully you can manage this as an update soon 🙂

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