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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro After update custom taxonomy and ajax is not working

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  • Jose David Moliner

    After update to 2.0.1:

    Custom taxonomy + ajax + shortcode = not work

    The search form becomes disabled.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jose, can you provide a link in a private message?


    Jose David Moliner
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
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    Jose David Moliner
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    All done, good as new 😉

    Slightly odd, but the function for fetching results was firing before before your taxonomy was declared which was throwing it all off (only on the Ajax request).

    I also had to enable WP_DEBUG temporarily (now disabled) – and I noticed you’ve got a couple of errors showing in the header and footer.


    Jose David Moliner

    Thanks! Have you changed the plugin code, right? When I’ll update the plugin I’ll lose these changes?

    The errors with WP_DEBUG enabled are because I made quick release so you could see the problem

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jose

    Yup I updated the plugin code on your site and also in the master here – so the next release will contain the fix you need so no worries about upgrading in future.

    RE the error – just thought I would let you know anyway 🙂


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