Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Additional sorting options in drop down menu


  • This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    Can I sort the options in a drop down menu (“Order terms by:”) a different way than the options already listed? I want to reorder them a specific way and the current options won’t work. Thank you.


    In the current version, I am sorry, but this is not possible. You can set a custom default sort in the admin (but not in the front end form), but this the user cannot use. We are currently working towards a release of V3, and this allows you to make custom fields in the form, which I hope might allow you to do as you want. We plan to release V3 in June 2020.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Maria

    These support forums are currently closed. Can you please open a ticket on our new support system (the link is at the top of this forum page).


    Is version3 still on the cards Trevor?


    Since v3Pro is not coming, I wanted to know if at least v2 will be updated so I can figure out if I can continue to use it on the old websites with S&F (and renew the subscription) or if it is better to find alternatives. Thanks.


    Hi Michele

    V3 is coming. You can already play with the Free core V3 plugin (which will then form the base plugin for the Pro addon):

    It is labelled ‘beta’ but is actually (as far as I know) the final release. It can be downloaded here:

    Note, there is no need for you to join the mailing list for V3 Pro beta testing, as all current V2 Pro licence holders will receive an invite. That testing will start very soon. It will be worth getting to know V3 Free in advance. Matt, from the YouTube WordPress Tutorials for Beginners – WP Minute channel made a video that will help guide you:

    You can see how there is no longer a ‘form’, merely fields and controls, to be placed anywhere in the page, either as Gutenberg blocks, or as shortcodes.

    It even has in built debugging tools.

    As to V2, we are getting ready to release v2.5.17, as soon as we have finished testing with PHP8.2.

    It will continue to receive support and updates for at least 12 months after we release V3 Pro.


    Okay, thank you for the update, Trevor.

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