Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Adding "You searched for…" using Custom Display Results Method

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Trevor,

    To recap, I’m using Display Results Method = Custom, and I have added a search (i.e., free text) field in my search form. I’m using the Post Grid plugin to display the results in grid format. What I’d like to do is add a line above the search results grid that says “You searched for: <search query term>”. Can you tell me how I would do this? I assume I would need to edit a php template some place, but I don’t think it’s the results.php based on the contents in the template. I could be wrong. If there’s a prior post that explains this, a link to it would be great. I wasn’t able to find this specific scenario in a forum search.



    Ideally, the text would need to be inside the Ajax container, if you are using Ajax to refresh the results. In that case, it would be very difficult to do this, as the Post grid plugin handles that container, but you would need to add PHP to their code to access the search filters. In general, this page in the documentation is the starting point, but I cannot be optimistic that it can be done:

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