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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Adding search form returns blank page

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  • Nelle Dunlap

    Hi! A mysterious problem…

    The search feature on our site ( – click ADVANCED SEARCH, not the mag glass in the upper right corner) used to be working – now it’s not.

    To test, I created a new page and a new search form. When I add any “fields” to the search parameters and save, the page just appears blank; no header or anything. When I originally added this feature, I did somehow code it so that the search page would hide the header and main nav. But now I can’t figure out what to do. Help!


    Trevor Moderator
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    Nelle Dunlap
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    Nelle Dunlap
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Nelle Dunlap
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    Trevor Moderator

    I have had a good look, and I can only conclude that a plugin is conflicting somewhere. The only way to test this is to deactivate all other plugins and test. This can be problematic for a live site, so it would need to be you that does this, and not me. Clearly, there may be one or two plugins that are essential to even allow things to work, but most can be deactivated.

    Nelle Dunlap

    I think most of them have to stay in place permanently, but I can test. What are my options if two crucial plugins conflict, but both need to stay activated?

    Trevor Moderator

    mmm. I don’t know until the cause is found. Are you able to make a staging/copy version of the site to test with?

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