Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Adding post meta in search results

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  • Anonymous

    I have customized the search results page to remove post summaries, by copying results.php into my theme template folder, and it’s working nicely. Now, I’d like to add a post meta field (“wp_review_total”) into the search results, so my display would look like:

    ** post-meta-field **

    Is this possible?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ken

    Do you mean so that you list the current selection for hte wp_review_total field at the top of hte saerch results template?

    Then you would look here:

    Or do you mean, you would like to display the value for wp_review_total in your template next to each result?

    Then you would need this:



    It would be for each search result. I tried following the second example, but got empty results:

    <?php $wp_review_total_values = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(),
     'wp_review_total', true ); ?>

    I’m not a PHP coder, so I’ll try playing with it some more. I may have missed something obvious.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ken

    That looks like the right way to retrieve it – did you try echoing it out?

    $wp_review_total_values = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'wp_review_total', true );
    //echo out the values - should be ok because get_post_meta has the 3rd param set to true
    echo $wp_review_total_values;
    //alternatively dump the object to check whats inside:

    Echoing the values worked! Thanks for your help.

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