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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Adding own select fields


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  • Ramon Tissler

    Hi there!

    I’m a bit out of ideas at the moment… I have a search form for a custom post type where I also need to search meta fields of a custom taxonomy within this post type. Depending on what is chosen in the form, the search values for the taxonomy changes, so I can not add the information directly to the post type.

    What I think about now as a possible solution is to alter the meta_query with filter “sf_edit_query_args”, use own non-dynamic select fields in the search form, make my queries in the function and just exclude posts with post__not_in.

    I can add the select fields with jQuery or maybe manipulate a templates? But these fields also need to update the ajax with their GET values so that I can use them with the filter…

    I hope you understand me and I can send you whatever you need. Maybe there is another way, too. I’m very open for any idea.

    Thank you very much!

    Ramon Tissler
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    Trevor Moderator
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