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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Adding a Custom Field Relationship between Two Custom Fields

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  • Aaron Dietrich


    I’m really enjoying your plugin and the flexibility it provides for searching/filtering custom post types.

    I have custom post type that has ACF custom fields and taxonomies. As I familiarize myself with the Search & Filter Pro plugin, I see that there is general Field Relationship that can be set for all fields and taxonomies. It’s either AND or OR. Great.

    I have also discovered the Search Operator that can be used for specific taxonomy. This allows for AND or OR filtering for all the terms of specific taxonomy. Super Awesome!

    So everything is configured and running great. Currently I’m using AND as the Field Relationships:

    Grant Types (taxonomy using the OR Search Operator) AND Start Date (custom field using Date Range Input Type) AND City (custom field) AND State (custom field).

    However, I’d really like to add a custom condition between the City and State custom fields. That way the query would work like:

    Grant Types AND Start Date AND ( City OR State )

    Is there a way for me to override the Field Relationship between two specific custom fields?

    Thank you for the great plugin!

    Trevor Moderator

    In the current version of our plugin that is not possible. We are working hard now to get V3 ready for release, and we hope to have it for late June (but that may flex a little). It has been a long time in coding and has a lot of new features, one of which should be what you need.

    Aaron Dietrich

    Trevor – Thank you for the response! Looking forward to V3.


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